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Journée Zéro Discrimination 2019 — Agir pour changer les lois discriminatoires

Cette année, à l’occasion de la Journée Zéro Discrimination, l’ONUSIDA met en avant la nécessité urgente d’agir contre les lois discriminatoires.

Should children be able to get married? In 92 countries, girls can marry before the age of 18 years

Should the law protect women who are attacked by their partners? In 49 countries there is no specific law against domestic violence

Should people be denied their liberty for possessing small amounts of drugs? At least 100 countries have laws that criminalize the possession of drugs for personal use.

Do you think it is right that gay men should be executed because of who they love? In at least eight countries, the death penalty is still implemented for same-sex relations.

Should young people who want to take an HIV test have to ask their parents' permission? 45 countries require people younger than 18 years to have parental consent to access HIV testing services.

Should a woman require her partner's permission to access health care? In 29 countries women require the consent of a spouse or partner to access sexual and reproductive health services.

Should sex workers be arrested for protecting themselves and their clients? In at least five countries, people can be prosecuted for carrying condoms.

Should transgender people fear arrest simply for living their lives the way they want? Seventeen countries criminalize transgender people.







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